Excuses! 7 Common barriers for practicing yoga

girl looking at mirror

1. “I’m not flexible enough for yoga”

Firstly, yoga is not just about flexibility but also achieves strengthening and mindfulness within a balanced class. We would never say that “we’re too dirty to have a shower” so why should we not head along to a yoga class if we’re not able to touch our toes? The world doesn’t need more flexible people – what it needs is kindness. We learn and apply this firstly to ourselves by treating ourselves with kindness. Particularly when it comes to the thoughts in our mind and how we treat our bodies.

2. “I’m not into that spiritual stuff”

It’s true that yoga (at it’s core form) is a spiritual practice but our spirituality doesn’t mean it’s religious. Many mainstream classes don’t even adopt any spiritual practices within the class and if the teacher does express particular ideologies that we don’t reasonate with, just don’t tune in. Don’t worry, we’ll learn how to control our thinking along the way 😉

3. “I’m too old / not fit enough / etc.”

There are many different types of yoga so it’s just a matter of finding the style of what works for us! Want to strengthen and sweat? Ashtanga, Power and Bikram styles will be suitable. Simply looking to relax? Try restorative or yin. Trying to shift energy? Kundalini. Perhaps a balanced class of movement and downtime? Vinyasa. We can visit different studios and teachers to find what suits us and pay attention to the class descriptions.

4. “I don’t have time”

Yoga has never been more accessible with studios and gyms closely located and the availability of online videos. After finding a medium that works best for our location, we can then prioritize our practice for the day. We must firstly care for ourselves before we can care for others.

5. “I can’t afford a class”

There are plenty of solutions for this one!

  • free online yoga classes via YouTube
  • other low cost online video subscriptions
  • our local active & healthy program run by our city council have a number of low cost and free options
  • connect with a local yoga community (Facebook groups is a good place to start) and ask if there are any yoga teacher trainees who are looking to practice their teachings
  • books and other printable posters of sequences

6. “I’m a guy and it’s typically a women’s practice”

In Australia, Roy Morgan research shows that 70% of participants in yoga are women however less than 100 years ago, yoga was only allowed to be practiced by men! Yoga doesn’t discriminate and sequences are always adaptable to suit those who may be stronger and less flexible.

7. “I’m afraid I’ll fart or do something else embarrassing”

Do we let our fear of flying stop us from seeing the world? Do we let our fear of sharks stop us from bathing in the ocean? We are moving and opening up the body so yes, it’s probable that we may slip or fall but being in a supportive environment and practicing the present moment allows us to move on from these incidents with ease and have a bit of fun along the way!