Mindful Consumption

girl squat looking at beer

Whether a person drinks too much is not only determined by which beverage they choose (sweetness, water, alcohol content, etc.) but the frequency. The rate and frequency of consuming drinks is attributable to the environment.

So what environmental factors are at play here? Firstly, there is the size of the product – is there the opportunity to purchase jugs and pints from the bar or only schooners? Secondly, how accessible are the drinks whether we’re home alone and the bottle-o is closed or whether we’re out at an open bar with mates. It is these external cues which allows us to ignore the internal cues our mind is giving us that we’re not in control.

Thus, to be more mindful with our consumption, we need to be focussed inwards to determine if our thinking is becoming blurry and whether the drink no longer tastes good. Less attention should be given to our mates when they ask us if we’d like another round or how loud the music is turned up.

To support our maturity and responsibility when it comes to drinking, we can practice some mindfulness techniques. Close our eyes – can we remember exactly how many drinks we have had? Open our eyes and take in the beverage – what is the colour? If the drink is in a can – what does the label design mean? Smell – what is the aroma? Taste – what sensations are on our palate?

If we’re no longer able to perform the techniques, we have consumed too much! Hopefully we can all become more conscious about what we’re drinking to keep a balanced mind & body 🙂